رمضان مبارک

با سلام به اطلاع مي رساند كه هلال ماه رمضان امروز چهارشنبه هفدهم ژوین در آلیس اسپرینگ استرالیا دیده شده و  بنابراین فردا  پنجشنبه هیجدهم ماه ژوین جاری اولین روز ماه رمضان (سال ۱۴۳۶ هجري قمري) خواهد بود.   فرارسیدن ماه ضيافت الهي بر همگان مبارک باد. التماس دعا

Ramadan 1436 Prayer Schedule - Perth WA

Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said: 
When you fast, let your ears, your eyes, your hair, your skin and all your body fast too. Do not let your fasting day be the same as non-fasting ones. O people, verily, the gates of paradise are open 
in this month. Ask your Lord not to close them to you.

May this blessed month be a month of cleansing for us all and may we gain the taqwa to better ourselves for the sake of Allah swt. 

>>> NOTE <<<
Due to heavy cloudy weather the moon could not be seen in many cities in Australia  including Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth. Based on a report confirming the hilal was seen in Alice Spring the moon sighting committee of Australia have declared that the moon is sighted and tomorrow will be the first day of Ramadan. However, Mr. Abul Qasim Rizvi, Imam of Panjtan Center from Caroline Springs, VIC has reported that the moon was not sighted in Melbourne, so that the "Panjtan Center from Caroline Springs" announced Friday the 19th, as the first day of Ramadan.


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