مجلس سوگ شهادت امام باقرعلیه السلام

السلام علیک یا محمد بن علی، ایها الامام الباقر، یابن رسول الله
هفتم ذی الحجه مطابق با دوم اكتبر امسال سالروز شهادت پنجمین پیشوای شیعیان، امام محمد بن علی الباقرعلیهم السلام بر عموم شیعیان جهان تسلیت باد
مجلس سوگ شهادت آن حضرت و دعای کمیل روز پنجشنبه دوم اكتبر برگزار مي گردد. اتحاديه ايرانيان مسلمان استرالياي غربي ضمن عرض تسليت به داغداران آن حضرت از كليه مومنین و مومنات برای شرکت در اين برنامه دعوت مي نمايد
زمان برگزاري مراسم طبق معمول برنامه دعاي كميل هر ماه از ساعت شش و نیم الي نه شب و در مرکز ملویل محل دایمی برگزاری برنامه های اتحادیه خواهد بود

Join us for the program dedicated to to commemoration of martyrdom of Imam Baqir (pbuh). 
Language of the program is Persian/Farsi.

Thursday 2nd October 2014, 6:30 pm
Info Lines: 0424 348 018
Info Email: ethics@imawa.org

Imam Mohammad Baqir (pbuh)

The fruitful life
The life of Imam Baqir led to the valuable achievements for Islam and the most important of them are :
  1. The fortification of the ideological principles and the religious beliefs of the Islamic society.
  2. Criticizing and opposition toward the false beliefs and thoughts, which had influenced on Muslims.
  3. The development of the legal culture along with the Islamic rules.
  4. Fighting with the incorrect methods of discretion and the analyzing the legal rules.
  5. Training the brilliant students on the fields of jurisprudence , discourse and the ethical and social issues.
  6. Leading the Shiite society toward the purely Islamic thoughts.
  7. Avoiding the devastation of the Shiite formations under the pressure of the dictator style of the mavids.
  8. The promulgation of the Politico-Ideological thoughts of the Shiites along with the policy of Taqiyeh, which means concealing of one’s faith.
  9. Providing the society with the practical models on praying, piety ,efforts and endeavors, science, ethics and the social activities.

Imam Baqir became martyr in the Hesham-Ibn-Abdolmalek’s era. Because Hesham’s kingdom started from 105 to 125 A.H and according to the historians the year of Imam’s martyrdom was in 118 A.H. Considering the cruel behaviors of Hesham toward Imam Baqir and the undeniable animosity of the Omavids toward Imam Ali’s progeny, there is no doubt that Hesham had an effective role in Imam’s martyrdom in a secret manner.
To wish for actualization of his plots, Hesham took the advantage of his trustees. He employed Ibrahim-Ibn-Valid who was from Omavids and the enemy of the Holy Prophet’s Progeny.Ibrahim in turn paved the ground for another person who could be so close to Imam Baqir. He supplied him with all necessary facilities. This person was from Bani Hashem’s tribe and he could put the treacherous plot into practice and led to Imam’s martyrdom.


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